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Steam Cleaning Services in Dade County, FL

Customer all over Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade Counties, including Miami, FL trust the steam cleaning services of South Florida Steam Cleaners. We perform thorough cleaning for your fabrics and fibers that ensures a clean and fresh end result. Remove years of stains, sediment, skin cells, and soil caused by kids, pets, and regular in-home foot traffic and use. Our 24/7 emergency services keep your furniture and flooring protected at any time of the week. If you’re ready to purge the dirt and grime, we’re ready to help.

father and daughter laughing and laying on carpet

On-Time Steam Cleaning

Don’t put off your steam cleaning needs any longer! South Florida Steam Cleaning is ready to schedule you for cleaner carpets, rugs, and furniture, or you can call us 24/7 for emergencies. Give us a call today to discuss your steam cleaning needs, and we’ll give you a free estimate on our services.

Our Services for Homes & Businesses

South Florida Steam Cleaning offers our services to turn back time on your carpets and more while also improving its lifespan.

Carpet Cleaning

With constant traffic and use, your home’s carpeting gradually collects over time, leading to stains, discoloration, and eventual damage to the fibers. With steam cleaning, we remove the grime and sediment to restore your carpet as close to its original beauty as possible. Pet odor, mites, and more also get cleaned out in the process.

Rug Cleaning

Your area rugs are an investment and beating the dust out of them in the backyard isn’t enough to protect them. Brushes and household chemical cleaning agents can do damage, so be sure to bring in professional steam cleaning to properly clean the silk and fibers. We gently clean rugs made with silk, wool, cotton, and more.

Upholstery Cleaning

If your furniture looks worn and dirty, it's time for a steam cleaning. The dirt and filth build up over time, and sometimes you don't even realize that it's dirty. We clean your upholstery without damaging the fabric by using the right cleaning materials for the specific fabric. The result is beautiful, sharp-looking furniture that looks as good as it did years ago.

Clean Out Years of Wear for a Spotless Space